Saturday, December 17, 2011

A New Shirt! (& DIY)

My latest wardrobe addition/new lovee. I was totally inspired by this Vain and Vapid shirt but am obviously poor and pretty decent on the sewing machine, so made it myself for about $10 with remnant fabric from Jo Ann and thrift store upcycled wool for the sleeves and details! 

Here's the basic concept for constructing this shirt - sew along the dotted lines in the diagram  and remember to cut two pieces for the main body of the shirt, two of the bottom pieces and fold the fabric in half when you cut the sleeves! It's not a complicated shirt for a person who's just starting out to sew and should be a fun simple sew for those more experienced sewers. So, get ready - let's sew!

The easiest way to do this (and the way I still sew) is to lay a shirt that fits you well (in this case, a loosey goosey fit) on top of the fabric for the new shirt and cut along the seams of the old shirt. (Don't cut up your old shirt though!) For this shirt, I recommend cutting two inches wider than the seam of the pattern shirt. This shirt's trump card is in its boxy/bagginess so it's much better to go big than to have to quit and go home.

If you're up for the challenge, a more detailed post is on my other blog, Of Cats and Crafts, so check it out for a little more guidance. Questions? Post 'em in the comments! & good luck! -Amina

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